Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Weekend wrap up

Oh goodness I've hit my afternoon wall. Every single day I get so sleepy in the afternoon. Over the past week I've been laying down at like 5:30 and not getting up until almost 7:30. The naps are great, but yesterday's kind of messed up my night sleep. I tossed and turned for a while before finally passing out when going to bed last night. So, I'm hoping to try to avoid my nap this evening so I can just hit the hay early and get a good long night of sleep! 

Ok, I'm going to do a day late weekend wrap up!

Worst part of the weekend: Sarge and all his howling from his crate. He's so bored in there and ready to be out and about with everyone else!

Best part of the weekend: Where to start? Overall it was a great weekend. We hung out with Taylor's family on Friday evening, spent most of Saturday and Saturday evening with mine, and just relaxed and cleaned house on Sunday.

Most random part of the weekend: Late night trip to Target with Mom & Sarah on Saturday

People I saw this weekend:
Taylor, Cindy, Basel, Chelsea, Aris, Jamel, Mom, Dad, Michelle, and Sarah

Something I wished I did this weekend that I didn't get around to doing: The rest of the laundry

Things that I am looking forward to this week: Taylor starts his new job tomorrow. I'm excited for him!

Things that I am not looking forward to this week: Taylor starts his new job tomorrow...which means it'll just be me and the dogs in the house all day during the week. How quiet it will be!

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