Friday, March 12, 2010

God is SO good.

Words cannot even describe how blessed Taylor & I are. Yesterday we got great news back from the doctor. My hCG levels are more than doubling every 48 hours. That means that Baby Musa is growing just fine! In addition to that Taylor got an offer from the company he interviewed with on Tuesday! How awesome is that?!

I am so very happy for him. I know he is thrilled. This is a great opportunity with a good company. I just know it'll be so good.

Back to the baby, haha. I am only about 4 weeks along. Yes, I know we are sharing our news very early with everyone. We just couldn't hold it in though. After hearing from the doctor that everything is going well we decided to let everyone in. We continue to pray and hope that this baby continues to grow and that in mid November we welcome him or her to our world!

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