Friday, June 11, 2010

17 Weeks

Yes, it's been SEVEN weeks since I updated. That is unacceptable! I really need to stick with this blog, and update at least twice a week.

Let's see... what's been going on?.Well, just the usual really. I feel good. I'm still a little tired, but nothing too bad. I'm not nauseous anymore. THANK GOODNESS! I feel like a normal human being again! My belly is growing. Here is me at 15 weeks:

(Thank goodness I've had my hair cut since that picture. It was looking bad. I had about two inches taken off.)

I've been to the doctor since my last post. I went at 13w6d. I got to hear MM's heartbeat. At that point it was 160. I go back to the doctor this Thursday too. It'll just be a routine check up... blood pressure, get any questions I might have answered, and listen to the heart beat. Now, on July 1st we have a BIG appointment! That is when we have our anatomy scan scheduled. We cannot wait! It's now less than 3 weeks away, but it still seems like forever away. I am just so excited to find out what MM is and give this kid a name!

Not too much else has been going on around our house. Memorial Day came and went. It was nice to have a three day weekend. We spent Sunday of that weekend with Taylor's family, and he wasn't feeling well that Monday so I went to my parents while he stayed home and rested. I swam with my family and ate some good food. It was a nice relaxing weekend. Now on the weekends we've been trying to make only one night our "going out" night. We're doing real well on sticking to our plan so far. Since I'm home constantly all week I like to go out on Friday nights. A couple of weeks ago we went to Trail Dust (the original is down the street from our house). Last Friday we had a late (9:30) dinner at IHOP, woohoo! I'm not sure where we'll go tonight. All I do know is that wherever we go will be good!

Time to leave you with the 17 week update from Babycenter. If you're curious and want to see the weeks I skipped you can go here,

Your pregnancy: 17 weeks

How your baby's growing:

Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she's around 5 inches long from head to bottom. She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop.

How your life's changing:

Starting to feel a bit off balance? As your belly grows, your center of gravity changes, so you may begin to occasionally feel a little unsteady on your feet. Try to avoid situations with a high risk of falling. Wear low-heeled shoes to reduce your risk of taking a tumble; trauma to your abdomen could be dangerous for you and your baby. You'll also want to be sure to buckle up when you're in a car — keep the lap portion of the seat belt under your belly, drawn snugly across your hips, and also use the shoulder harness, which should fit snugly between your breasts.

You may also notice your eyes becoming drier. Using over-the-counter lubricating drops may help. If your contact lenses become uncomfortable, try wearing them for shorter stretches of time. If you still have discomfort, switch to glasses until after you give birth.


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