Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Well, we're iced in. Here in DFW we got lots of ice, some snow, and crazy cold weather... my co-worker in OKC got crazy cold weather, some ice, and LOTS of snow. As of her e-mail about 20 minutes ago they had about a foot of snow on the ground. Crazy! Can it PLEASE be summer now? After this mess I'm looking forward to the beach this summer more than I was before. It's kind of funny, I had a couple swim suits and a cover up and tanks delivered today... on the "winterest" of winter days.

On the bright side, Clay and I have loved having Taylor home today! It has been so nice. We have played, relaxed, napped, and I got lots of work done.

Clay has been enjoying his jammie day and has had lots of fun playing with his daddy.

We all assume the roads will be just as bad tomorrow since it's going to get into the teens tonight. I hope Taylor doesn't have to drive on the slick roads. We'll just have to see what the morning brings!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

So much happening!

I'm bringing this back! SO much happens now with Clay and I want a way to document it all other than his baby book. Plus, this way I can share it with all of you!

Clay will be 3 months old on Saturday. The past 3 months have absolutely flown by! I swear it seems like we were just driving to the hospital the morning of my scheduled c-section. He just seems to want to grow, grow, grow. He is so big and learns so much each day.

He was born on 10/29/10. 9lbs 11oz and 20.5 inches long.

Our next dr. appointment is not until March 1, but when we went for his 2 month check up (we went in at 9 weeks) he weighed 16 lbs and was 25 inches long. That put him at 99% for weight, 95% for height, and his head was 95% too. He is just a big, tall boy.

He is still wearing size 2 diapers, but they're getting snug. I think after this package we'll be switching to size 3's.

His clothing is all 6+ months. From Old Navy he wears 6-12 months, but other places he wears the 6-9 month size.

Clay sleeps from 11pm-7:30am every night. He wakes up at 7:30, eats, and goes back to bed until around 9 or 9:30. Then he typically takes a long afternoon nap of about 3 hours. 

He LOVES to sit and stand. If he is not eating he prefers you hold him so he can sit up and look around, and when he gets bored with that he will push up so you will hold him while he stands.

He yells at us when he doesn't like something (like, if he doesn't like the way he's being held). It's not a cry...he actually yells. It's extremely funny but makes me wonder if we're in for a little bit of an attitude! 

He laughed for the first time this past weekend. It was just a short little giggle and he hasn't done it since, but it was definitely a laugh!  

Today he rolled over for the first time! He was on his tummy on his play mat and just leaned to the left and rolled right over. He looked up at me like it was the coolest thing ever. Hopefully I can get it on video when he starts rolling more often.

Tonight he will be starting cereal (with the pedi's approval for those of you who wonder ;) ). This little boy likes to eat! It's very obvious that formula just isn't cutting it for him, but that doesn't surprise me after being born at almost 10lbs and the rate he's growing.

I think those are all the big updates to share for now so I will leave this post with a few pictures from over the last 3 months.

Just a couple days old:

Just hanging out during our first week home:

First big smile caught on camera:

So excited on Christmas morning:

Just hanging out at home on the play mat (from today):
